
Irish Pallottines
424 Orange St.
Wyandotte, MI 48192

(734) 285-2966

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Day 8 Reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Micah 4:1-5 In the last days justice will reign
Psalm 87 Glorious things are spoken of God
Revelation 21:1-5a God will make a new heaven and a new earth
John 20:11-18 Meeting the risen Christ leads to personal mission


What if? What if the prophecies in the Bible actually came true? If the wars between people stopped and if life-giving things were to be made out of the weapons of war? What if God’s justice and peace reigned, a peace which was more than simply the absence of war? If all of humanity came together for a celebration in which not a single person was marginalized? What if there really was no more mourning, no more tears, and no more death? It would be the culmination of the reconciliation that God brought about in Jesus Christ. It would be heaven!

Psalms, canticles, and hymns sing of the day when the whole perfected creation finally arrives at its goal, the day when God will be “all in all”. They tell about the Christian hope for the fulfilment of God´s reign, when suffering will be transformed into joy. On that day, the Church will be revealed in her beauty and grace as the one body of Christ. Wherever we gather in the Spirit to sing together about the fulfilment of God’s promises, the heavens break open and we begin here and now to dance to the melody of eternity.

As we can already experience this presence of heaven, let us celebrate together. We may be inspired to share images, poems and songs from our particular traditions. These materials can open up spaces for us to experience our common faith in and hope for God’s Kingdom.


  • How do you envision heaven?
  • Which songs, stories, poems, and pictures from your tradition give you the feeling of participating in the reality of God´s eternity?


Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we thank you for this week of prayer,
for being together as Christians
and for the different ways
we have experienced your presence.
Let us always praise your holy name together
so that we may continue to grow in unity and reconciliation. Amen.